Fleet Risk Software

Healthy Working: Safe Driving is our end to end fleet risk management software. It helps organisations minimise risk to their drivers and other road users.










Healthy Working: Safer Driving

Healthy Working: Safer Driving is a comprehensive fleet risk management solution that is suitable for any size of fleet.

Promote safer driving practices

Healthy Working: Safer Driving helps to reduce road incidents and collisions. The platform uses innovative methods to assess drivers and deliver practical advice for optimal on-road performance

Re-enforce your road safety policy

Healthy Working: Safe Driving reinforces key safety messages and fleet policies using established learning methods. It results in better awareness of the issues and noticeable behaviour change among your drivers.


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Driver profiling

The Healthy Working: Safe Driving ‘User Profile’ should be completed by any employee who drives for company purposes. To create the profile, a user will answer questions about their vehicle. This information automatically customises the Healthy Working: Safe Driving risk assessment and eLearning to the individual.

Driver Risk Assessments

Once the ‘User Profile’ has been completed, the employee must complete a risk assessment. The comprehensive risk-assessment module identifies the drivers exposed to higher levels of risk or those who require additional support with their driving.

Driver Action Plan

Following the completion of the risk assessment, the user will be able to access their Action Plan. This provides the employee with a list of actions to reduce or eliminate their driving risks. The Action Plan is based on the
user’s response to the profile and risk assessment questions. The Action Plan may include eLearning and in vehicle driver awareness training.


The Safe Driving eLearning will help your employees to drive more safely and reduce their risk of being involved in an incident. The eLearning modules engage drivers by using a combination of interactive sequences, tests and quizzes.

The modules are customised for car and van drivers and cover the following topics:

  • Introduction.
  • Your vehicle.
  • Wellbeing.
  • Behaviour and personal safety.
  • Your journey.
  • Vulnerable road users.
  • Towing.

Safe Driving Resources

Healthy Working: Safe Driving has a suite of downloadable resources, which cover:

  • Business insurance review.
  • Car checking.
  • Driving abroad.
  • Eyesight and driving.
  • Fatigue.
  • Getting the most from your tyres.
  • Medication and driving.
  • Mobile phones and driving.
  • Pregnancy and driving.
  • Saving fuel.
  • What to do in the case of an accident.

PACE Management System

All the data captured through Healthy Working: Safe Driving can be managed via our unique management system, PACE. Fleet managers can use PACE to resolve any outstanding risks that can’t be managed by the
employee. PACE provides a secure database with workflow and task management tools to ensure all fleet activity is managed efficiently.

Enhanced version of Healthy Working: Safer Driving

We offer an enhanced version of Healthy Working: Safe Driving, which includes:

Driver compliance checks
The ‘User Profile’ has additional compliance questions. This includes driving licence, motor vehicle insurance and MOT checks.

Driver Awareness Training
Drivers identified as high risk will be invited to practical 1-1 driver awareness training. This focuses on the driver’s concentration, observation and anticipation skills to improve their risk perception and decision-making. The training educates the driver on vehicle control and fuel efficiency.


Fleet Risk Insights

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