Coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in many states implementing lockdown measures that have significantly affected business.

Unfortunately, this is not the only crisis organizations have had to navigate in recent years. Many businesses have had to deal with disasters such as the devastating forest fires in California and Australia, or the effects of the 2008 banking crisis

In times of crisis, leadership becomes more important than ever. In this article we’ll discuss what leaders can do to support employees working from home or those no longer able to work as normal.


Being able to communicate to employees the steps being taken to navigate Coronavirus challenges is essential right now.

Regular clear and concise messaging can help to reduce anxiety, and where possible, employers should make efforts to answer the questions employees have. Employers should keep the lines of communications open with those who can continue to work and those who are furloughed.

Employees are likely to be bombarded with conflicting information from a wide variety of sources online and on social media, therefore, employers need to highlight the facts, especially when it comes to topics relating to health, income and government support.

Technology has been indispensable to those in lockdown areas and employers should make efforts to embrace platforms that can make communication feel more personal, such as video calls.


Supporting employees working from home can be challenging, but its important leaders consider how they can do this remotely. Technology has revolutionized the way we work in offices and at home, and the solutions employers seek may already be available.

When it comes to providing support, employers should consider the training and resources they can provide to employees working from home – such as e-learning courses and online assessments. Sharing such resources can help employees who may feel that their progression is limited whilst working at home, or who may require specific support or training they may have previously received face-to-face.

See our full COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidance and Advice


Leaders should also remember how important it is to remind employees of their organization’s vision. Right now, many employees are likely to be feeling anxious about the future, both in their personal and work lives. In uncertain times, reminding employees about how important their role is in helping an organization achieve its vision can help to alleviate anxieties and build morale.

An organization’s vision is not only important to current employees but customers, stakeholders and potential employees too. A leader’s ability to share a vision is more important than ever right now – and leaders should consider prioritizing reiterating their vision to employees, if possible – reminding the whole organization of their purpose and how important their contribution is.


Many of us are hoping that the lockdown measures across the globe will help to reduce the damage caused by Coronavirus, but at this early stage – it is hard to predict who may be affected personally by the virus.

In terms of leadership, employers should ensure they make it clear that they are supportive, within reason, to those who may be personally affected by the loss as a result of Coronavirus. Where possible, it can be prudent for organizations to reiterate the support and resources they offer to employees in these situations.

It’s not just loss which can affect employees right now, anxiety and other mental health issues may also be highlighted by the current situation. Again, those in leadership roles should encourage good communication concerning this – and show that they understand that many may require extra support.

Employer resources

We know in times of uncertainty it can be hard to find resources you can rely on, but here at Cardinus – we have the experience to be able to help employers. The majority of our online employer resources are free, and we are creating specific resources related to Coronavirus.

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