Recent data shows that just 30% of UK companies are working fully on-site today, compared to 57% before the pandemic.

With the rise of hybrid working models, where employees split their time between home and office, ensuring ergonomic comfort is more important than ever.

Keep reading as we highlight effective strategies to create a comfortable and productive work environment for hybrid employees.

Hybrid working statistics

Recent studies have revealed diverse preferences among employees regarding remote work:

  • 21% of employees never want to work from home in 2022.
  • 19% of employees wish to work from home five days a week in 2022.
  • Over 55s are most likely to desire permanent remote work.
  • 16–24-year-olds favour working in the office full-time.
  • 85% of employees currently working from home prefer a hybrid approach in the future.
  • 78% of remote workers reported an improved work-life balance.
  • 47% of workers noted improved well-being from remote work.
  • As of May 2023, 39% of workers in Great Britain had worked from home in the previous seven days, with 73% having traveled to work in the last week.

This data indicates a strong inclination towards hybrid working, despite some organisations pushing for a full return to the office.

The challenges of hybrid working

While hybrid work offers flexibility and work-life balance, it also brings increased levels of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort. Data from over one million hybrid risk assessments since COVID-19 shows a 17.4% increase in pain and discomfort due to non-compliant workstations and equipment.


Educating employees on proper workstation setup and posture is crucial:

  • Workstation setup: Teach employees to adjust their workstations, even if using dining tables and chairs. Simple adjustments like placing books under screens to adjust height and using makeshift footrests can help.
  • Movement and stretching: Encourage regular breaks and stretching to prevent discomfort from prolonged sitting.
  • Resources: Utilise online videos and resources for quick ergonomic guidance, even without a formal ergonomics program.

For employees experiencing pain, consider bringing in ergonomic experts or physiotherapists to provide tailored solutions.

Risk assessment

Employers have a duty of care to assess and mitigate risks associated with home workstations:

  • Simple tools: Use questionnaires and online self-assessment tools to identify potential ergonomic issues.
  • Expert support: Employ ergonomic assessors for virtual or face-to-face assessments.

Even if not mandated by regulations, risk assessments can reduce musculoskeletal health issues, workers’ compensation claims, and lost productivity.


Providing adequate ergonomic equipment for both office and home workstations is essential:

  • Dual sets: Consider providing separate sets of ergonomic equipment (keyboard, mouse, monitor) for each location.
  • Portable equipment: Opt for lightweight, portable equipment that can be easily transported.
  • Adjustable workstations: Install height-adjustable desks, chairs, and keyboard trays to accommodate various employee needs.


Maintain regular communication with hybrid workers to address any new pains or discomfort:

  • Check-ins: Regularly ask employees about their well-being and ergonomic comfort.
  • Visibility: Ensure remote workers do not feel neglected by keeping them engaged and informed.

Health and Safety policy

Update your health and safety policy to reflect hybrid working arrangements:

  • Responsibilities: Clearly outline employer and employee responsibilities regarding ergonomic practices.
  • Resources: Provide information on where to get additional help and how to report issues.

Cardinus can help your hybrid workers

Embracing hybrid work requires a proactive approach to ergonomics. By educating employees, conducting risk assessments, providing appropriate equipment, and maintaining open communication, organisations can ensure the wellbeing and productivity of their hybrid workforce.

Cardinus’ award-winning ergonomics management software (Healthy Working) supports thousands of organisations across the globe to minimise their ergonomics/DSE compliance risk and maintain a healthy workforce. If you would like to discuss how Healthy Working could help you support your hybrid workers, please get in touch.

*  Source:

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